Yamas: Social observances and guidelines governing relationships
Ahimsa: Non-harming, loving kindness and compassion for all living things
Satya: Commitment to truthfulness, integrity, and honor.
Asteya: Non-stealing, not taking or desiring what is not yours
Brahmacharya: Behaving with love and integrity without selfishness or manipulation; developing sensual control so as to restrain from sexual misconduct.
Aparigraha: Non-possessiveness, voluntary simplicity, non-greediness
Niyamas: Personal observances – Guidelines for daily activities
Shauca: Internal and external purity, cleanliness, orderliness and balance
• Live a clean and healthy life with clarity of body, mind and spirit.
Santosa: Contentment, equanimity, peace and tranquility
• Be modest and content with what you have, even while experiencing life’s difficulties.
• Recognize that life becomes a process of growth through all kinds of circumstances.
Tapas: Disciplined use of energy, purification, willpower, austerity, and patience.
• Direct your energy to enthusiastically engage life.
• Pay attention to the health of the body, eating habits, breathing patterns, and diligence in your commitments.
Svadhyaya: Self-inquiry, mindfulness, study of the texts, placing the teachings within yourself as a way of walking your talk.
• Welcome and accept your limitations. Be centered and non-reactive to dualities; burn out unwanted and self-destructive tendencies.
• Be patient with yourself. Acknowledge that yoga is a process.
Ishvara Pranidhana: Open to Grace and dedicate your life to expanding divine Self awareness
• Lay all your actions at the feet of the Divine and recognize your role as part of the Creator. See the Divine in one another and act accordingly..
• Always look for what is right—the beauty, the light, and the positive in people and things—instead of what is wrong. Always give the other person the benefit of the doubt.