Anusara Yoga Weekend with Jacalyn Prete, Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher: 17-18 May, 2025
17-18 May, 2025
cost: 180 euro full weekend/ 95 euro per day (price includes lunch)
Join us for a transformative weekend of Anusara yoga, where we dive deep into the evolution of the Anusara practice since 2012. This series of workshops will integrate new insights on Tensegrity, fascia, and fascial release techniques using Yoga Tune-Up balls to enhance mobility and recovery.
Experience both active and restorative sessions designed to release tension, improve alignment, and restore balance throughout the body—focusing on key areas like the feet, hands, and spine. Whether you’re looking to deepen your practice or recover from injury, these weekends offer something for every practitioner.
SATURDAY AM: 10-12u30
“The Art of Grounding: Cultivating Stability in your Practice”
Focus will be on the foundation of the hands and feet, working with yoga tune-up balls to open the fascia on hands and feet and explore how to work with the hands and feet in a way that brings stability to standing poses, down dogs and plank poses. You will also discover an ease and lightness to your chatturangas.
Saturday AM practice includes: Ballwork and self massage work on feet and hands, strengthening feet and ankles, down dog with bent arms and legs squeezing the midline, practicing easeful effortless chaturanga, tadasana with soft joints and full heart, gate pose and deep relaxation
SATURDAY PM: 14u30-17u00
“Spring into Action: Energize your Practice and your Life“
Spring is a great time to begin moving your body after the sedentary winter period. We will work on the Sun Salutation, breaking it down into its components with the new curvy spine. This practice will explore how effortless a vinyasa practice can be with easeful alignment principles that support an engaged core and a springy spine. Playful exploration of fluid easeful movement an an uplifting feeling in the heart. Upper body principles that help us feel expansive in the heart and ribs and increase lung capacity will be explored.
Saturday PM practice includes: Sun Salutations, standing poses, arm balances, backbends, hip openers, seated meditation, and a juicy savasana
SUNDAY AM: 10u00-12u30
“GRACE in Motion: An Anusara Yoga Practice“
This flowing Anusara Yoga practice will be an exploration of twisting poses and side bending to open up the sides of the body and release the breath. This practice will bring ease to the body while working on a deeper inner connection to the core and the source of energy and grace within. It is designed to release the fascia around the ribcage, opening up the breath and recharging energy. Forward bending and hip opening will allow us to explore some arm balances like Titibasana and side crow. We will focus on foundation and drawing energy into the core from mother earth as we move into Spring!
Sunday AM practice includes: Refining chaturangas (yoga pushup) and plank pose, curvy down dog that releases pain in back and hips while strengthening deeper core muscles, balance poses and drills to power up the feet, shins, hamstrings and buttocks
SUNDAY PM: 14u30-16u30
“The Art of Therapeutic Alignment: Anusara Yoga for Recovery”
The afternoon practice will focus on the lower back, pelvis, hips, knees, feet and ankles. We will work with yoga tune-up balls and self-massage techniques to release tight muscles in the pelvis, lower body, abdomen, calves and feet with the intention of enhancing the mobility and fluidity of our walking movement. We will do gait training, working on our feet, lower legs, knees and hips as we walk around the studio. This session will include walking practice! Through therapeutic application of the refinement of Anusara Yoga principles, students will discover a newfound core strength and awareness, a softening and deepening of the breath, and an inner resilience born of less effort.
Jacalyn Prete, Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher & Trainer, lives and teaches in New York City. Jacalyn’s yoga journey began in 1981 when her brother introduced her to a famous Guru at an ashram upstate. This event launched a new direction in her life that eventually led her to the Anusara yoga community and the World Yoga Center. It was through the Anusara practice and community connection that her dreams became real. She became a Certified Anusara® Yoga Instructor in 2001, a Licensed Certified Yoga Health Coach in 2015 and served as Co-Founder and Former Director of Certification for the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga. By combining the two elements of yoga and health coaching, Jacalyn realized that all of these amazing communities were aligned with her own swadharma (true path) – to bring more light and vibrant health to the world! She has been helping students find their light and vibrancy ever since. http://www.jacalynprete.com
REGISTER: online via our mindbody scheduler (please register under Adult Workshops, not as a Class), accessible via our website www.treeoflifeyoga.be
PAYMENT: Please pay by bank transfer to the TREE of Life acct. BE 64 0016 5863 7352 with mention of your name + Jackie Prete Workshop. The full weekend is 180 euro/ day price 95 euro. Your place is secure once payment is received. Book your place fast to assure your spot is secure.
PROVIDED: You’re welcome to bring your yoga mat but blankets, blocks, straps are provided. A light lunch with dessert is included in the price of the workshop, along with lots of tea & snacks. We would love to see you there!
For more info, contact Courtenay at