Teacher Highlight: Silke Wilson

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The following article was printed in an ING bank magazine that features expats and their lives in Belgium.  Silke volunteered, along with 3 other expats, to tell a little about her life.   Silke is German and her husband, James, is Scottish.  They have three children, aged 14, 18 and 20.  The family lives in Tervuren.  Silke is currently the Belgium Country Coordinator for the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga and has been teaching yoga at the Tree since 2012.


In Silke’s own words … “I consider teaching and practicing yoga a life philosophy”.  I’m from northern Germany and I have previously lived in the UK, Spain, France and Australia.  I came to Belgium in 1991 to take up a post as personal assistant with the permanent representation to Bavaria to the European Union.  I am now an Anusara-inspired yoga teacher and I work mainly from home, where I run a small studio.  I also teach at Tree of Life Yoga studio in Tervuren.  My hobbies are my work and my work is my hobby.  Yoga is my life; I consider teaching and practicing yoga a life philosopy.  I love to travel for yoga and have recently been to the UK, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Greece to take part in workshops and retreats to gain more insight and knowledge to bring home and share with others.


When asked, “What does physical fitness mean to you?” Silke replied …

“When I first started to take yoga classes, I regarded it purely as a tool to improve my overall fitness.  Thanks to the many wonderful teachers I have had and still have, I look at it now as a tool to improve the entirety of my life and that of others.  The practice of yoga integrates and reconnects the body, mind, and spirit.  This connection makes you more aware of your essence, which is actually the goal of yogic practices.  The more I practice this form of awareness, the more joy I experience.  It’s this aspect of yoga that benefits me and the people around me.  The physical strength and well-being are merely welcome side effects.  The world of yoga offers a diverse social life and I have had the pleasure of connecting with extraordinary, fun and loving people from all over the world as well as the local community.